Forge Metadata

Forge automatically adds metadata to every Kubernetes resource it creates. It adds the following Kubernetes annotations to each resource:

  • forge.repo contains the git repo from which the resource was deployed. This is computed from the url for the git remote named origin. If the resource was deployed from a checkout that has no remote named origin, or if it was deployed from a non-git directory, then this will be blank.

  • forge.descriptor contains the path within the repo

  • forge.version contains the forge computed version of the resource. For resources deployed from a clean git checkout, this will be <commitish>.git.

It adds the following Kubernetes labels to each resource:

  • forge.service contains the name of the service as specified in the forge service descriptor (service.yaml)

  • forge.profile contains the name of the profile to which the resource belongs.

By using these labels you can easily query and/or cleanup services you've deployed with Forge:

# list all the k8s resources belonging to myservice
kubectl get all -o name -l forge.service=myservice

# delete the dev profile
kubectl delete all -l forge.service=myservice -l forge.profile=dev

You can also use the forge list command to show a human readable summary of the Forge resources deployed into a cluster, e.g.:

$ forge list
myservice[default]: | service.yaml | 729b401e7c515144bbaf0962b6a207f591f291ca.git
  deployment default.myservice-default:
    Deployment has minimum availability.
  service default.myservice-default:

myservice[foo]: | service.yaml | 62334241058f806e1fc26a246f10e78ec1d7abbb.git
  deployment default.myservice-foo:
    Deployment has minimum availability.
  service default.myservice-foo:

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