How it works

Forge builds services based on Docker and Kubernetes. It assumes the output of any service build consists of one or more docker containers along with the kubernetes yaml necessary to spin up these containers. The build process consists of the following stages:

  1. Find service definitions.
  2. Compute versions for all input sources.
  3. Build, tag, and push any missing containers.
  4. Build and apply the kubernetes yaml.

Finding Services

Forge finds services by searching the filesystem for any file named service.yaml. Any directory containing such a file is assumed to following a standard layout:

    +-- service.yaml    # identifies this directory as a service and contains key metadata
    +-- k8s/*           # deployment templates (jinja2)
    +-- **/Dockerfile   # one or more container definitions

Computing Versions

Forge automatically computes a version for any service it builds. If the service is located in an unmodified git tree, forge will use <commit>.git as the version. If the service is not located in a git tree, or the git tree has changes, forge will compute the sha1 hash of the filesystem tree for all the services and use a version of the form <sha1hash>.ephemeral. This enables forge to be conveniently used for dev builds, but also retains complete traceability for production builds.

Building Containers

Forge computes canonical container image names based on the configured docker registry, repo, and the computed service names. It then queries for the existence of these canonical images both remotely and locally, and if necessary it invokes docker build in order to build, tag, and push missing containers. Note if you are wondering how to avoid including lots of build tools in your containers, check out docker's multi-stage builds.

Building Kubernetes yaml

The kubernetes yaml necessary to deploy the containers associated with a service is produced from the jinja2 templates in the k8s directory. These templates are invoked with both the service metadata (contents of service.yaml), as well as the build metadata. Template variables:

    +-- name   # this is defaulted based on directory name if not explicitly specified in service.yaml
    +-- ...    # any other variables defined in service.yaml
    +-- images # map from Dockerfile relative path to built image name

After generating the kubernetes yaml for all services, forge validates the yaml and ensures that there are no resource name conflicts between services.

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