Source code for forge.tasks

# Copyright 2017 datawire. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import eventlet, functools, sys, os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from eventlet.corolocal import local
from import time
from .sentinel import Sentinel

logging = eventlet.import_patched('logging')
traceback = eventlet.import_patched('traceback')
datetime = eventlet.import_patched('datetime')
output = eventlet.import_patched('forge.output')
emod = eventlet.import_patched('forge.executor')
executor = emod.executor
Result = emod.Result

# XXX: need better default for logfile
[docs]def setup(logfile=None): """ Setup the task system. This will perform eventlet monkey patching as well as set up logging. """ if not logfile: logfile = "/tmp/forge-{}-{}.log".format(os.environ.get("USER", os.getuid()), logging.getLogger("tasks").addFilter(TaskFilter()) logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s %(task_id)s: %(message)s') executor.setup() executor.resize(5)
[docs]class TaskError(Exception): report_traceback = False """ Used to signal anticipated errors has occured. A task error will be rendered without it's stack trace, so it should include enough information in the error message to diagnose the issue. """ pass
ChildError = emod.ChildError PENDING = emod.PENDING ERROR = emod.ERROR
[docs]def elapsed(delta): """ Return a pretty representation of an elapsed time. """ minutes, seconds = divmod(delta, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]class TaskFilter(logging.Filter): """ This logging filter augments log records with useful context when log statements are made within a task. It also captures the log messages made within a task and records them in the execution object for a task invocation. """
[docs] def filter(self, record): exe = execution.current() if exe: record.task_id = else: record.task_id = "(none)" return True
[docs]class task(object): """A decorator used to mark a given function or method as a task. A task can really be any python code, however it is expected that tasks will perform scripting, coordination, integration, and general glue-like activities that are used to automate tasks on behalf of humans. This kind of code generally suffers from a number of problems: - There is rarely good user feedback for what is happening at any given moment. - When integration assumptions are violated (e.g. remote system barfs) the errors are often swallowed/opaque. - Because of the way it is incrementally built via growing convenience scripts it is often opaque and difficult to debug. - When parallel workflows are needed, they are difficult to code in a way that preserves clear user feedback on progress and errors. Using the task decorator provides a number of conveniences useful for this kind of code. - Task arguments/results are automatically captured for easy debugging. - Convenience APIs for executing tasks in parallel. - Convenience for safely executing shell and http requests with good error reporting and user feedback. Any python function can be marked as a task and invoked in the normal way you would invoke any function, e.g.:: @task() def normpath(path): parts = [p for p in path.split("/") if p] normalized = "/".join(parts) if path.startswith("/"): return "/" + normalized else: return normalized print normpath("/foo//bar/baz") -> "/foo/bar/baz" The decorator however provides several other convenient ways you can invoke a task:: # using normpath.go, I can launch subtasks in parallel normalized = normpath.go("asdf"), normpath.go("fdsa"), normpath.go("bleh") # now I can fetch the result of an individual subtask: result = normalized[0].get() # or sync on any outstanding sub tasks: task.sync() You can also run a task. This will render progress indicators, status, and errors to the screen as the task and any subtasks proceed::"/foo//bar/baz") """ def __init__(self, name = None, context = None): = name self.context_template = context self.logger = logging.getLogger("tasks") self.count = 0
[docs] @staticmethod @contextmanager def verbose(value): exe = executor.current() saved = exe.verbose exe.verbose = value yield exe.verbose = value
[docs] @staticmethod @contextmanager def context(name): exe = executor.current() saved = getattr(exe, "_default_name", None) exe._default_name = name yield exe._default_name = saved
def _context(self, args, kwargs): exe = executor.current() if exe and getattr(exe, "_default_name", None) is not None: return exe._default_name if self.context_template is None: return None return self.context_template.format(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_id(self): self.count += 1 return self.count
def __call__(self, function): self.function = function if is None: = self.function.__name__ result = decorator(self) functools.update_wrapper(result, function) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def sync(): """ Wait until all child tasks have terminated. """ r = executor.current_result() r.wait() if r.value is ERROR: r.get()
[docs] @staticmethod def terminal(): return executor.MUXER.terminal
[docs] @staticmethod def echo(*args, **kwargs): executor.current().echo(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def info(*args, **kwargs): executor.current().info(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def warn(*args, **kwargs): executor.current().warn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def error(*args, **kwargs): executor.current().error(*args, **kwargs)
_UNBOUND = Sentinel("_UNBOUND")
[docs]class decorator(object): def __init__(self, task, object = _UNBOUND): self.task = task self.object = object self.__name__ = getattr(self.task.function, "__name__", "<unknown>") def __get__(self, object, clazz): return decorator(self.task, object) def _munge(self, args): if self.object is _UNBOUND: return args else: return (self.object,) + args def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): exe = executor(self.task._context(args, kwargs)) result =, *self._munge(args), **kwargs) return result.get()
[docs] def go(self, *args, **kwargs): exe = executor(self.task._context(args, kwargs), async=True) result =, *self._munge(args), **kwargs) return result
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): result = self.go(*args, **kwargs) result.wait() result.executor.echo( return result
[docs]def elide(t): if isinstance(t, Secret): return "<ELIDED>" elif isinstance(t, Elidable): return t.elide() else: return t
[docs]class Secret(str): pass
[docs]class Elidable(object): def __init__(self, *parts): = parts
[docs] def elide(self): return "".join(elide(p) for p in
def __str__(self): return "".join(str(p) for p in
[docs]class execution(object):
[docs] def log(self, *args, **kwargs): self.task.logger.log(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def info(self, *args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def gather(sequence): """ Resolve a sequence of asynchronously executed tasks. """ for obj in sequence: if isinstance(obj, Result): yield obj.get() else: yield obj
OMIT = Sentinel("OMIT") def _taskify(obj): if isinstance(obj, decorator): return obj else: @task() def applicator(*args, **kwargs): return obj(*args, **kwargs) return applicator
[docs]def project(task, sequence): task = _taskify(task) execs = [] for obj in sequence: execs.append(task.go(obj)) for e in execs: obj = e.get() if obj is not OMIT: yield obj
[docs]def cull(task, sequence): task = _taskify(task) execs = [] for obj in sequence: execs.append((task.go(obj), obj)) for e, obj in execs: if e.get(): yield obj
## common tasks from import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
[docs]class SHResult(object): def __init__(self, command, code, output): self.command = command self.code = code self.output = output def __str__(self): if self.code != 0: code = "[exit %s]" % self.code if self.output: return "%s: %s" % (code, self.output) else: return code else: return self.output
[docs]@task("CMD") def sh(*args, **kwargs): output_transform = kwargs.pop("output_transform", lambda l: l) expected = kwargs.pop("expected", (0,)) output_buffer = kwargs.pop("output_buffer", 10) cmd = tuple(str(a) for a in args) kwcopy = kwargs.copy() parts = [] cwd = kwcopy.pop("cwd", None) if cwd is not None and not os.path.samefile(cwd, os.getcwd()): relcwd = os.path.relpath(cwd) abscwd = os.path.abspath(cwd) mincwd = relcwd if len(relcwd) < len(abscwd) else abscwd parts.append("[%s]" % mincwd) env = kwcopy.pop("env", None) if env is not None: for k, v in env.items(): if v != os.environ.get(k, None): parts.append("%s=%s" % (k, v)) parts.extend(str(elide(a)) for a in args) command = " ".join(parts) try: p = Popen(cmd, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE, **kwargs) output = "" line_buffer = [command] start = time.time() for line in p.stdout: output += line line_buffer.append(output_transform(line[:-1])) elapsed = time.time() - start if (len(line_buffer) > output_buffer) or (elapsed > 1.0): while line_buffer: start = time.time() while line_buffer: p.wait() result = SHResult(command, p.returncode, output) except OSError, e: raise TaskError("error executing command '%s': %s" % (command, e)) if p.returncode in expected: return result else: raise TaskError("command '%s' failed[%s]: %s" % (command, result.code, result.output))
requests = eventlet.import_patched('requests.__init__') # the .__init__ is a workaround for:
[docs]def json_patch(response, parser): def patched(): try: return parser() except ValueError, e: task.echo("== response could not be parsed as JSON ==") task.echo(response.content) raise return patched
[docs]@task("GET") def get(url, **kwargs):"GET %s" % url) try: response = requests.get(str(url), **kwargs) response.json = json_patch(response, response.json) return response except requests.RequestException, e: raise TaskError(e)
import watchdog, class _Wrapper( def __init__(self, action): for attr in "on_any_event", "on_created", "on_deleted", "on_modified", "on_moved": meth = getattr(action, attr, None) if meth: setattr(self, attr, meth) @task() def dispatch(self, event):, event)
[docs]@task() def watch(paths, action): handler = _Wrapper(action) obs = watchdog.observers.Observer() for path in paths: obs.schedule(handler, path, recursive=True) obs.start()