Source code for forge.schema

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

"""Load & validate json/yaml files with quality error messages.

The schema module contains a library for defining schemas that can
perform loading and validation of json or yaml documents with high
quality error messages.


If you're wondering why this is written as part of forge as opposed to
using an external library, there are a number of reasons:

1. An important goal for forge is to provide high quality error
   messages for schema violations. For example, including the filename
   and line number of the cause.

2. Similarly, it is important to be able to quickly extend
   configuration input to meet new requirements while maintaining
   backwards compatibility.

3. Finally, it is also very imporant to be able to generate high
   quality documentation from the schema.

So far I have been unable to find existing tooling that meets these
requirements in combination. My first attempt was to use the
jsonschema package combined with docson, but jsonschema doesn't
validate files, it validates data structures, and so it doesn't have
access to the filename and line number where the validation occurred.

Secondly, while json schema in general is quite flexible which aids in
(2), it is actually *too* flexible. The json schema union construct
allows for situations where it is difficult/impossible to tell which
alternative schema the input was intended to match, and so this makes
providing useful error messages quite difficult.

This library defines a more restricted form of union which is flexible
enough for extending schemas while retaining backwards compatibility,
but still maintains the property of being able to unambiguously
classify input as being intended to match just one of the options.

If you know of a good quality third party library that meets these
requirements, please let me know!


.. testsetup:: *

  from forge.schema import *

A schema is represented as a tree of python objects, for example you
can construct a schema for a map as follows:

.. doctest::

  # this schema will load an open ended map
  >>> scm = Map(Any())

Any schema object knows how to load from either a string or a file:

.. doctest::

  # load from a file
  >>> scm.load("data.yaml")  # doctest: +SKIP

  # load from a string
  >>> scm.load("string-data", "{foo: bar, baz: moo}")
  OrderedDict([(u'foo', u'bar'), (u'baz', u'moo')])

  # the name is used in error messages
  >>> scm.load("string-data", "asdf")
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  SchemaError: expecting map[any], got string
    in "string-data", line 1, column 1

You can use Any() and Scalar() to construct polymorphic types, but you
can also define monomorphic schemas:

.. doctest::

  # a list of strings
  >>> scm = Sequence(String())
  >>> scm.load("strings", "[a, b, c]")
  [u'a', u'b', u'c']
  >>> scm.load("strings", "[1, 2, 3]")
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  SchemaError: expecting string, got integer
    in "strings", line 1, column 2

You can define structured types as well using the Class schema. The
Class schema requires a type name and a documentation string as the
first two arguments:

.. doctest::

  # define a structured type
  >>> scm = Class("book", "A yaml type identifying a book",
  ...             Field("title", String(), docs="The title of the book"),
  ...             Field("isbn", String(), docs="The isbn number of the book"),
  ...             Field("author", String(), docs="The isbn number of the book"))

  >>> scm.load('potter.yaml', '''{title: "The Philosopher's Stone", isbn: "1234", author: "J.K. Rowling"}''')
  OrderedDict([('author', u'J.K. Rowling'), ('isbn', u'1234'), ('title', u"The Philosopher's Stone")])

By default, all map types will produce OrderedDicts, but if you want a
custom class, you can pass a constructor to the Class schema when you
construct it:

.. doctest::

  >>> class Book(object):
  ...     def __init__(self, title, isbn, author):
  ...         self.title = title
  ...         self.isbn = isbn
  ... = author
  ...     def __repr__(self):
  ...         return "Book(%r, %r, %r)" % (self.title, self.isbn,

  # structured type with custom class
  >>> scm = Class("book", "A yaml type identifying a book",
  ...             Book,
  ...             Field("title", String(), docs="The title of the book"),
  ...             Field("isbn", String(), docs="The isbn number of the book"),
  ...             Field("author", String(), docs="The isbn number of the book"))
  >>> scm.load('potter.yaml', '''{title: "The Philosopher's Stone", isbn: "1234", author: "J.K. Rowling"}''')
  Book(u"The Philosopher's Stone", u'1234', u'J.K. Rowling')

The constructor doesn't need to be a class, you can use any
callable. It will be invoked with the field values supplied as keyword

.. doctest::

  >>> scm = Class("coord", "A yaml type identifying a coordinate",
  ...             lambda **kw: (kw["x"], kw["y"]),
  ...             Field("x", Float(), docs="The X coordinate."),
  ...             Field("y", Float(), docs="The Y coordinate."))
  >>> scm.load("data", "{x: 1.0, y: 2.0}")
  (1.0, 2.0)

If the yaml value happens to contain dashes or conflict with a python
keyword, you can specify an alias for a Field to be used in python

.. doctest::

  >>> scm = Class("coord", "A yaml type identifying a coordinate",
  ...             lambda x_coord, y_coord: (x_coord, y_coord),
  ...             Field("x-coord", Float(), alias="x_coord", docs="The X coordinate."),
  ...             Field("y-coord", Float(), alias="y_coord", docs="The Y coordinate."))
  >>> scm.load("data", "{x-coord: 1.0, y-coord: 2.0}")
  (1.0, 2.0)


import base64, os, StringIO, textwrap
from collections import OrderedDict
from yaml import ScalarNode, SequenceNode, MappingNode, CollectionNode, Node, compose_all
from forge.match import match, many, opt

[docs]class SchemaError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Schema(object): @property def docname(self): return @match(Node) def load(self, node): "Default data loder. Reports an exception." raise SchemaError("expecting %s, got %s\n%s" % (, _tag(node), node.start_mark)) @match(basestring) def load(self, name): "Load data from a json or yaml file." with open(name) as fd: return self.load(name, @match(basestring, basestring) def load(self, name, input): "Load data from json or yaml input. The supplied name will appear as the filename in error messages." stream = StringIO.StringIO(input) = name trees = list(compose_all(stream)) if len(trees) != 1: raise SchemaError("%s: expected a single yaml document, found %s documents" % (name, len(trees))) tree = trees[0] return self.load(tree)
@match(ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(node): return _scalar2py(node.tag.split(":")[-1], node) @match("null", ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(tag, node): return None @match("str", ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(tag, node): return node.value @match("int", ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(tag, node): return int(node.value) @match("float", ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(tag, node): return float(node.value) @match("bool", ScalarNode) def _scalar2py(tag, node): return node.value.lower() == "true"
[docs]class Scalar(Schema): name = "scalar" default_tags = ("string", "integer", "float") def __init__(self, *tags): """Construct a schema that will load a scalar. Any supplied tags will optionally limit the permitted yaml tags for this schema. See for the official list of yaml tags. """ self.tags = tags or self.default_tags @match(ScalarNode) def load(self, node): """Load data from a yaml node.""" if node.tag.endswith(":null"): return None else: self._check(node) return self.decode(node) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return _scalar2py(node) def _check(self, node): actual = _tag(node) if actual not in self.tags: if len(self.tags) == 1: expecting = self.tags[0] else: expecting = "one of (%s)" % "|".join(self.tags) raise SchemaError("expecting %s, got %s\n%s" % (expecting, actual, node.start_mark)) @property def traversal(self): yield self
[docs]class Boolean(Scalar): name = "boolean" default_tags = ("bool",) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return node.value.lower() == "true"
[docs] def render(self): return "a boolean value"
[docs]class String(Scalar): name = "string" default_tags = ("string",) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return node.value
[docs] def render(self): return "an unconstrained string"
[docs]class Base64(Scalar): name = "base64" default_tags= ("string",) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return base64.decodestring(node.value)
[docs] def render(self): return "a base64 encoded string"
[docs]class Integer(Scalar): name = "integer" default_tags = ("integer",) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return int(node.value)
[docs] def render(self): return "an unconstrained integer"
[docs]class Float(Scalar): name = "float" default_tags = ("float", "integer") @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): return float(node.value)
[docs] def render(self): return "an unconstrained float"
[docs]class Constant(Scalar): def __init__(self, value, type=None): Scalar.__init__(self, "string") self.value = value self.type = type or String() @property def name(self): return repr(self.value) @match(ScalarNode) def decode(self, node): value = self.type.load(node) if self.value != value: raise SchemaError("expected %s, got %s\n%s" % (self.value, value, node.start_mark)) return value @property def traversal(self): yield self for t in self.type.traversal: yield t
[docs] def render(self): return "A %s constant of %s." % (,
[docs]class Collection(Schema): pass
[docs]class Map(Collection): @match(Schema) def __init__(self, type): self.type = type @property def name(self): return "map[%s]" % @property def docname(self): return "map[%s]" % self.type.docname @match(MappingNode) def load(self, node): result = OrderedDict() for k, v in node.value: result[k.value] = self.type.load(v) return result @property def traversal(self): yield self for t in self.type.traversal: yield t
[docs]class Sequence(Collection): @match(Schema) def __init__(self, type): self.type = type @property def name(self): return "sequence[%s]" % @property def docname(self): return "sequence[%s]" % self.type.docname @match(SequenceNode) def load(self, node): return [self.type.load(n) for n in node.value] @property def traversal(self): yield self for t in self.type.traversal: yield t
REQUIRED = object() OMIT = object()
[docs]class Field(object): @match(basestring, Schema, opt(basestring), opt(basestring), opt(object)) def __init__(self, name, type, alias=None, docs=None, default=REQUIRED): = name self.type = type self.alias = alias = docs self.default = default @property def required(self): return self.default is REQUIRED
[docs]class Any(Schema): name = "any" @match(ScalarNode) def load(self, node): """Load any scalar node as a python object.""" return _scalar2py(node) @match(MappingNode) def load(self, node): """Load any mapping node as a python OrderedDict.""" result = OrderedDict() for k, v in node.value: result[k.value] = self.load(v) return result @match(SequenceNode) def load(self, node): """Load any sequence node as a python list.""" return [self.load(n) for n in node.value] @property def traversal(self): yield self
[docs]class Class(Schema): @match(basestring, basestring, object, many(Field)) def __init__(self, name, docs, constructor, *fields, **kwargs): = name = docs if isinstance(constructor, Field): fields = (constructor,) + fields constructor = OrderedDict elif not callable(constructor): raise TypeError("constructor must be callable") self.constructor = constructor self.fields = OrderedDict() for f in fields: self.fields[] = f self.strict = kwargs.pop("strict", True) if kwargs: raise TypeError("no such arg(s): %s" % ", ".join(kwargs.keys())) @match(basestring, object, many(Field)) def __init__(self, name, constructor, *fields): self.__init__(name, "", constructor, *fields) @match(MappingNode) def load(self, node): loaded = {} for k, v in node.value: key = k.value if key in self.fields: f = self.fields[key] elif self.strict: raise SchemaError("no such field: %s\n%s" % (key, k.start_mark)) else: f = Field(key, Any()) loaded[f.alias or] = f.type.load(v) for f in self.fields.values(): key = (f.alias or if key not in loaded: if f.default is REQUIRED: raise SchemaError("required field '%s' is missing\n%s" % (, node.start_mark)) elif f.default is not OMIT: loaded[key] = f.default try: return self.constructor(**loaded) except SchemaError, e: raise SchemaError("%s\n\n%s" % (e, node.start_mark)) @property def traversal(self): yield self for f in self.fields.values(): for t in f.type.traversal: yield t @property def docname(self): return '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (":", "_"),
[docs] def render_all(self): types = OrderedDict() for t in self.traversal: if isinstance(t, Class): types[t] = t.render() for k, v in types.items(): print '<div id="%s">' %":", "_") print '<h2>%s</h2>' % print print v print print '</div>'
[docs] def render(self): result = [] result.append("<p>") result.extend(textwrap.wrap( result.append("</p>") result.append('<table>') result.append("<tr><th>Field</th><th>Type</th><th>Docs</th></tr>") for f in self.fields.values(): docs = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(, initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" ")) \ if else "" result.append("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (, f.type.docname, docs)) result.append("</table>") if result[-1] == "": result = result[:-1] return "\n".join(result)
@match(String) def _tag(scalar): return "string" @match(Integer) def _tag(scalar): return "integer" @match(Float) def _tag(scalar): return "float" @match(Boolean) def _tag(scalar): return "bool" _YAML2ENGLISH={ "str": "string", "int": "integer" } @match(ScalarNode) def _tag(nd): tag = nd.tag.split(":")[-1] return _YAML2ENGLISH.get(tag, tag) @match(Sequence) def _tag(seq): return "sequence" @match(SequenceNode) def _tag(nd): return "sequence" @match(Map) def _tag(map): return "map" @match(MappingNode) def _tag(nd): return "map" @match(Constant) def _tag(c): return c.value class _Signature(object): def __init__(self, cls, fields): self.cls = cls self.fields = fields def descriminates(self, other): return not self.fields.issubset(other.fields) and not other.fields.issubset(self.fields) def __repr__(self): stub = "%s:map" % if self.fields: return "%s{%s}" % (stub, ", ".join("%s=%s" % (n, v) for n, v in sorted(self.fields))) else: return stub @match(Class) def _sig(cls): fields = set() for f in cls.fields.values(): if f.required and isinstance(f.type, Constant): fields.add((, f.type.value)) return _Signature(cls, fields)
[docs]class Union(Schema): """Unions must be able to descriminate between their schemas. The means to descriminate can be somewhat flexible. A descriminator is computed according to the following algorithm: Logically the descriminator consists of the following components: 1. The type. This is sufficient for scalar values and seqences, but we need more to descriminate maps into distinct types. 2. For maps, a further descriminator is computed based on a signature composed of all required fields of type Constant. """ @match(many(Schema, min=1)) def __init__(self, *schemas): self.schemas = schemas self.tags = {} for s in self.schemas: if isinstance(s, Class): continue t = _tag(s) if t in self.tags: raise ValueError("ambiguous union: %s appears multiple times" % t) else: self.tags[t] = s self.signatures = [] self.constants = {} for s in self.schemas: if not isinstance(s, Class): continue cls_sig = _sig(s) for sig in self.signatures: if not cls_sig.descriminates(sig): raise ValueError("ambiguous union: %s, %s" % (sig, cls_sig)) else: self.signatures.append(cls_sig) for f in s.fields.values(): if f.required and isinstance(f.type, Constant): if not in self.constants: self.constants[] = {} if f.type.value not in self.constants[]: self.constants[][f.type.value] = set() self.constants[][f.type.value].add(s) for s in self.schemas: if not isinstance(s, Class): continue for f in s.fields.values(): if not isinstance(f.type, Constant) and in self.constants: raise ValueError("ambiguous union: '%s' both constant and unconstrained" % if self.signatures and "map" in self.tags: raise ValueError("ambiguous union: map and %s" % ", ".join(str(s) for s in self.signatures)) @property def name(self): return "(%s)" % "|".join( for s in self.schemas) @property def docname(self): return "(%s)" % "|".join(s.docname for s in self.schemas) @match(Node) def load(self, node): t = _tag(node) if self.signatures and t == "map": candidates = set(s for s in self.schemas if isinstance(s, Class)) for k, v in node.value: if v.tag.endswith(":map") or v.tag.endswith(":seq"): continue if k.value in self.constants and v.value in self.constants[k.value]: candidates.intersection_update(self.constants[k.value][v.value]) if len(candidates) == 1: s = candidates.pop() return s.load(node) else: raise SchemaError("expecting one of (%s), got %s\n%s" % ("|".join(str(s) for s in self.signatures), t, node.start_mark)) # in case this is an union contains constant(s), and t is a 'string' of the value "foo" from the yaml, # the user might have intended a constant named "foo". if t not in self.tags: v = node.value # `v` could have an unhashable type (like 'list') which results in a type error while the `in` check if (isinstance(v, str) or isinstance(v, unicode)): if v not in self.tags: raise SchemaError("expecting one of (%s), got %s(%s)" % ("|".join(str(s) for s in self.tags.keys() + self.signatures), t, v)) return self.tags[v].load(node) # it doesn't seem like a constant hence not fit within the union raise SchemaError("expecting one of (%s), got %s" % ("|".join(str(s) for s in self.tags.keys() + self.signatures), t)) return self.tags[t].load(node) @property def traversal(self): for s in self.schemas: for t in s.traversal: yield t