Source code for forge.executor

# Copyright 2017 datawire. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import eventlet, sys
from eventlet.corolocal import local
from import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from .sentinel import Sentinel

traceback = eventlet.import_patched('traceback')
output = eventlet.import_patched('forge.output')

"""A sentinal value used to indicate that the task is not yet complete."""

"""A sentinal value used to indicate that the task terminated with an error of some kind."""
ERROR = Sentinel("ERROR")

[docs]class ChildError(Exception): """ Used to indicate that a background task has had an error. The details are reported at the source of the error, so this error message is intentionally sparse. """ def __init__(self, parent, *children): self.parent = parent self.children = children Exception.__init__(self, "%s child task(s) errored" % len(self.children))
[docs]class Result(object): def __init__(self, executor, parent): self.executor = executor self.parent = parent self.children = [] if self.parent: self.parent.children.append(self) self.child_errors = 0 self.value = PENDING self.exc_info = None self.thread = None self.stack = None self._recovered = False @property def exception(self): return self.exc_info @exception.setter def exception(self, exc_info): self.exc_info = exc_info if self.parent: self.parent.child_errors += 1 # XXX: deprecated @property def result(self): return self.value def _capture_stack(self): self.stack = traceback.extract_stack()
[docs] def wait(self): if self.value is PENDING: if self.thread not in (None, eventlet.getcurrent()): self.thread.wait() for ch in self.children: ch.wait() if self.child_errors > 0 and self.value is not ERROR: errors = [e for e in self.leaf_errors if not e._recovered] if errors: self.value = ERROR self.exception = (ChildError, ChildError(self, self.leaf_errors), None)
[docs] def get(self): self.wait() if self.value is ERROR: raise self.exception[0], self.exception[1], self.exception[2] else: return self.value
[docs] def recover(self): for r in self.traversal: r._recovered = True
@property def traversal(self): yield self for c in self.children: for d in c.traversal: yield d @property def errors(self): return [r for r in self.traversal if r.is_leaf_error()] @property def leaf_errors(self): return [ch for ch in self.traversal if ch is not self and ch.is_leaf_error()]
[docs] def is_leaf_error(self): if self.result is ERROR: if issubclass(self.exception[0], ChildError): return False for ch in self.children: if ch.value is ERROR and ch.exception[1] == self.exception[1]: return False return True else: return False
[docs] def is_signal(self, (filename, lineno, funcname, text)): noise = {"forge/": ("run", "do_run", "_capture_stack"), "forge/": ("go", "__call__"), "eventlet/": ("main",)} for k, v in noise.items(): if filename.endswith(k) and funcname in v: return False return True
[docs] def get_traceback(self): if not self.is_leaf_error(): return None stack = [] result = self while result: if not stack: stack = traceback.extract_tb(result.exception[2]) stack[:0] = result.stack elif result.parent and result.executor.async: stack[:0] = result.stack result = result.parent # Noise is considered to be dispatch/glue code that clutters # stack traces due to bugs in the actual business logic of # tasks. We only filter out noise if the last line of the # stack is business logic. That way if there is a bug in the # dispatch/glue code it doesn't get filtered out. if self.is_signal(stack[-1]): stack = filter(self.is_signal, stack) return "".join(["Traceback (most recent call last):\n"] + traceback.format_list(stack) + traceback.format_exception_only(*self.exception[:2]))
@property def terminal(self): return executor.MUXER.terminal
[docs] def report(self, autocolor=True): total = 0 errors = [] for r in self.traversal: total += 1 if r.is_leaf_error(): exc = r.exception[1] indent = " " if getattr(exc, "report_traceback", True): tb = "\n\n" + r.get_traceback().strip() errors.append("%s%s: unexpected error%s" % (indent,, tb.replace("\n", "\n " + indent))) else: errors.append("%s%s: %s" % (indent, r.executor.context, exc)) if autocolor: if errors: color = self.terminal.bold_red else: color = else: color = lambda x: x result = "\n".join(["%s tasks run, %s errors" % (total, len(errors))] + errors) return "\n".join([color(line) for line in result.splitlines()])
def __repr__(self): if self.exception is None: return "Value(%r)" % self.value else: return repr(self.exception[1])
class _Muxer(object): def __init__(self, stream): assert not isinstance(stream, _Muxer) self.previous = None = stream self.terminal = output.Terminal() self.default_color = lambda x: x def write(self, bytes): exe = executor.current() if exe is None: context = None color = self.default_color else: context = exe.context color = exe.color if self.previous != context: if context is not None:"\u2554\u2550") + color(unicode(context)) + u"\n").encode("UTF-8")) if isinstance(bytes, unicode): bytes = bytes.encode("UTF-8") self.previous = context def flush(self): def isatty(self): return _POOL = eventlet.greenpool.GreenPool()
[docs]class executor(object): """ An executor provides some useful utilities for safely running and coordinating code:: # an executor can run stuff safely: exe = executor("my-executor") result = x: x/0, 1) # a result can be an error or a value if result.value is ERROR: print result.exception else: print result.value # you can retrieve the result just as if you had run the # function try: x = result.get() print x except ZeroDivisionError, e: print e An executor can also be used to run asynchronous tasks:: exe = executor("my-async-executor", async=True) result = x: x/0, 1) # the result is pending if result.value is PENDING: print "still waiting..." # block until the result is available result.wait() if result.value is ERROR: print result.exception else: print result.value When executors are nested, any errors occuring in asynchronous tasks are tracked: def my_code(): exe = executor("sub-executor", async=True) # lets launch a background task and ignore the result 1/0) exe = executor("root-executor") result = The executor tracks all background tasks and should any errors occur, the executor constructs a full stack trace that includes not only the line of code in the background thread, but the stack for the code that launched the background thread:: print --> root-executor: 1 child task(s) errored sub-executor: unexpected error Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 4, in my_code File "<stdin>", line 4, in <lambda> ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero """ CURRENT = local() MUXER = _Muxer(sys.stdout) COLORS = [getattr(MUXER.terminal, n) for n in ("white", "cyan", "magenta", "blue", "bold_cyan", "bold_magenta", "bold_blue", "bold_white", "black_on_white", "bold_white_on_blue", "white_on_blue", "white_on_magenta", "bold_white_on_magenta")] ALLOCATED = {}
[docs] @classmethod def allocate_color(cls, name): if name in cls.ALLOCATED: return cls.ALLOCATED[name] else: color = cls.COLORS[len(cls.ALLOCATED) % len(cls.COLORS)] cls.ALLOCATED[name] = color return color
[docs] @classmethod def current(cls): return getattr(cls.CURRENT, "executor", None)
[docs] @classmethod def current_result(cls): return getattr(cls.CURRENT, "result", None)
[docs] @classmethod def setup(cls): eventlet.sleep() # workaround for import cycle: eventlet.monkey_patch(thread=False) if 'pytest' not in sys.modules: import getpass getpass.os = eventlet.patcher.original('os') # workaround for sys.stdout = cls.MUXER
[docs] @classmethod def resize(cls, size): _POOL.resize(size)
def __init__(self, name = None, async=False): = name self.results = [] self.async = async self.messages = [] self.parent = self.current() if self.parent is None: self.verbose = False else: self.verbose = self.parent.verbose if is None: if self.parent: self.context = self.parent.context else: self.context = None else: self.context = if not self.parent: self.context_colors = {} self.color = self.allocate_color(self.context) @contextmanager def _make_current(self, result): saved_executor = self.current() saved_result = self.current_result() self.CURRENT.executor = self self.CURRENT.result = result yield self.CURRENT.executor = saved_executor self.CURRENT.result = saved_result
[docs] def echo(self, text=u"", prefix=u"\u2551 ", newline=True): with self._make_current(None): msg = self.color(prefix) + text.replace(u"\n", u"\n" + self.color(prefix)) if newline: print msg else: sys.stdout.write(msg)
[docs] def info(self, text): if self.verbose: self.echo(text)
[docs] def warn(self, text): if self.verbose: self.echo(text) else: self.messages.append(text)
[docs] def error(self, text): if self.verbose: self.echo(text) else: self.messages.append(text)
[docs] def do_run(self, result, fun, args, kwargs): with self._make_current(result): try: result.value = fun(*args, **kwargs) except: result.value = ERROR result.exception = sys.exc_info() result.thread = None result.wait()
[docs] def run(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): result = Result(self, self.current_result()) result._capture_stack() self.results.append(result) if self.async: result.thread = _POOL.spawn(self.do_run, result, fun, args, kwargs) else: self.do_run(result, fun, args, kwargs) return result
[docs] def wait(self): for r in self.results: r.wait()
[docs] def report(self): return u"\n".join([ for r in self.results])