Source code for forge.config

# Copyright 2017 datawire. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from .schema import Class, Field, Union, Constant, Map, Sequence, Boolean, Integer, String, Base64, SchemaError

[docs]class Registry(object): def __init__(self, type, url, verify, user, password, namespace=None): self.type = type self.url = url self.verify = verify self.user = user self.password = password self.namespace = namespace
DOCKER = Class( "registry:docker", """A generic Docker registry.""", Registry, Field("type", Constant('docker'), docs="This must be 'docker' for docker registries"), Field("url", String(), docs="The url of the docker registry."), Field("verify", Boolean(), default=True, docs="A boolean that indicates whether or not to verify the SSL connection to the registry. This defaults to true. Set this to false if you are using a registry with self-signed certs."), Field("user", String(), default=None, docs="The docker user."), Field("password", Base64(), default=None, docs="The docker password, base64 encoded."), Field("namespace", String(), docs="The namespace for the docker registry. For docker hub this is a user or an organization. This is used as the first path component of the registry URL, for example:<namespace>") )
[docs]class GCRRegistry(object): def __init__(self, type, url, project, key=None): self.type = type self.url = url self.project = project self.key = key
GCR = Class( "registry:gcr", """A Google Cloud registry.""", GCRRegistry, Field("type", Constant('gcr'), docs="The type of the registry; this will be 'gcr' for Google registries"), Field("url", String(), docs="The url of the registry, e.g. ``."), Field("project", String(), docs="The Google project name."), Field("key", Base64(), default=None, docs="The base64 encoded JSON key used for authentication.") )
[docs]class ECRRegistry(object): def __init__(self, type, account=None, region=None, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None): self.type = type self.account = account self.region = region self.aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id self.aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key
ECR = Class( "registry:ecr", """An Amazon ECR registry.""", ECRRegistry, Field("type", Constant('ecr'), docs="The type of the registry; this will be 'ecr' for amazon registries"), Field("account", String("string", "integer"), default=None, docs="The amazon account id to use."), Field("region", String(), default=None, docs="The Amazon region to use."), Field("aws_access_key_id", String(), default=None, docs="The id of the AWS access key to use."), Field("aws_secret_access_key", String(), default=None, docs="The AWS secret access key.") )
[docs]class LocalRegistry(object): def __init__(self, type): self.type = type
LOCAL = Class( "registry:local", """A local registry.""", LocalRegistry, Field("type", Constant('local'), docs="The type of the registry; this will be 'local' for local registries") )
[docs]class Profile(object): def __init__(self, search_path = None, registry = None): self.search_path = search_path or () self.registry = registry
PROFILE = Class( "profile", """ Profile-specific settings. """, Profile, Field("search-path", Sequence(String()), "search_path", default=None, docs="Search path for service dependencies."), Field("registry", Union(DOCKER, GCR, ECR, LOCAL), default=None) )
[docs]class Config(object): def __init__(self, search_path=None, registry=None, docker_repo=None, user=None, password=None, workdir=None, profiles=None, concurrency=None): self.search_path = search_path or () if registry: if docker_repo: raise SchemaError("cannot specify both registry and docker-repo") if user: raise SchemaError("cannot specify both registry and user") if password: raise SchemaError("cannot specify both registry and password") else: if "/" not in docker_repo: raise SchemaError("docker-repo must be in the form <registry-url>/<namespace>") url, namespace = docker_repo.split("/", 1) registry = Registry(type="docker", url=url, verify=True, namespace=namespace, user=user, password=password) self.registry = registry self.profiles = profiles or {} if "default" not in self.profiles: self.profiles["default"] = Profile(search_path=self.search_path, registry=self.registry) for p in self.profiles.values(): if p.search_path is None: p.search_path = self.search_path if p.registry is None: p.registry = self.registry self.concurrency = concurrency
CONFIG = Class( "forge.yaml", """ The forge.yaml file contains the global Forge configuration information. Currently this consists of Docker Registry configuration and credentials. A forge.yaml is automatically created as part of the forge setup process; it can also be created by hand. """, Config, *(tuple(PROFILE.fields.values()) + (Field("docker-repo", String(), "docker_repo", default=None, docs="Deprecated, use registry instead."), Field("user", String(), default=None, docs="Deprecated, use registry instead."), Field("password", Base64(), default=None, docs="Deprecated, use registry instead."), Field("workdir", String(), default=None, docs="deprecated"), Field("profiles", Map(PROFILE), default=None, docs="A map keyed by profile-name of profile-specific settings."), Field("concurrency", Integer(), default=5, docs="This controls the maximum number of parallel builds."), )) )
[docs]def load(*args, **kwargs): return CONFIG.load(*args, **kwargs)